Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SP Beed's Lake

Hampton, 7/12/12, 18/105

Unsurprisingly, there is a lake here. I kept hearing this meowish sound as I got closer to the lake, I realized that was from frogs. They would hop into the water as I got too close, but sounded like cats in the mean time. One end of the lake was covered in rainbow algae. I saw a peninsula with what looked like an information booth, but I couldn't find it.
I stopped for water and was surprised by the pressure, so I didn't use it.
At another entrance to the park, there was a water run-off complete with warnings to stay out. More trails were nearby, but there was construction. It makes sense that there would be construction from time to time, but for whatever reason, I found it funny.

The lake
rock dam

cat frog

information peninsula

water pressure dug a hole
lake/ run off
The run-off looks vertical from this angle.


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