Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SP Union Grove

Gladbrook, 6-23-2012, 4/105

Construction made me concerned that I wasn't going to be able to access this one. It took some driving on “minimum maintenance” roads that are to be used “at your own risk”; which normally would scare me into turning around, but the ground was dry so I took a chance and quasi off-road-ed it. 

I was relieved to see the familiar Brown and Yellow signs saying the park opened at 4am, knowing that made it official. 

At the first entrance I saw there was a shaky bridge over a small creek. It turns out that this creek winds its way through the park being fed by a lake/river (couldn't tell which). I found a way to cross the creek only to decide that I didn't want to go bouldering and turn around.

Going around the lake I came across trails. They were a nice hike. With the right type of bike, I would love to take them on. The trails loop into each other and lead to private property, a campground, and this really cool tree growing horizontally over the water.

Then there was a problem; ready to leave and unsure of how many times I had turned. So, I guessed. I went left at the water and after walking a bit, I saw 2 trees and definitely had deja-vu. I was certain that I had seen those trees from that angle before which would have meant that I was walking the same way and not heading back to my car. I had not taken a picture of the trees the first time so my uncertainty won out and I continued on until I found a familiar purple flower. This however I did have a picture of; there was no doubt right at the river was the way back to my car, because I had taken this exact path to get lost in the first place. However across the water, I saw a car and decided that it was mine; in the direction I had just realized was wrong. Luckily for me the path kept curving left and didn't look like it was ever going to go right to meet with my car (at least not in the amount of time I had been walking). I turned around to now pass my flower and trees from the other direction and eventually found my first path. 

During this trip, I completely forgot water and it was beginning to get to me. There was a ground-water pump on my way back. It had a sweet taste which was a bit weird, but who cared at that point. After hydrating, I got my bearings and realized that the car I had seen couldn't have been mine because it was on another side of the water. Good thing those plants made an impression on me. I confirmed my mistake by driving by “my” car about 4 miles away on my way to the next park.

 Shallow, crossible creek fed by lake.
 Same creek
 Crossing point
 Bouldering possibility
 Lonely flower
 Lake meets creek
 rebellious leafs

 The really cool tree growing out across the lake.
 same tree
 purple landmark flower

Future mountain biking?

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