Thursday, January 10, 2013

SP Backbone

Strawberry Point, 11/7/12, 40/105

I have been here before (as the later pictures will show) so I wasn't expecting to find anything new. I was wrong. I found a spring, and the caves that it formed. This is a big park with all the standard stuff: camping, playgrounds, plenty of hiking. My favorite part to hike is called The Backbone Trail. It is basically on a cliff but is wide enough to be safe as long as you are not being stupid. Throughout this
trail are the remnants of the limestone (which formed the caves below) poking up with gaps in between them. It looks like you are walking along the spine of some gigantic creature. During a past visit, I was on The Backbone at Dusk when I heard coyotes or wolves calling. I didn't stay too long that time.

 A cave enterance



 View from the Backbone

 Backbone Trial

A past visit

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