Tuesday, January 15, 2013

SP Rice Lake

Lake Mills, 11/30/12, 53/105

This was the 12th and last park I hit that day. Additionally, this one officially puts me at over half of my parks. There is a big frozen lake with thousand's of geese on it. The park had corn growing like others have in the past. Part of the park is a golf course, which if I understood correctly, you can live on.



 Rice Lake
 launch ramp
 barely visible geese

SP Pilot Knob

Forrest City, 11/30/12, 52/105

This park is forresty. The lake I found is called Dead Man's Lake, but I did not find out why. With a bit of an uphill hike you can get to an observation tower which is located at the 2nd highest point in Iowa. It provides quite a view. There was also an amphitheater.

 Dead Man's Lake

 outside of tower

SP Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake, 11/30/12, 51/105

This appears to be another city park, but I'm okay with it here because there were a few interesting things. Apparently someone caught a huge catfish at some point. I wouldn't normally care, but this fish was big; the statue represents the actual size. The lake was largely frozen, but had some warm spots that were bubbling water onto the surface. As with Lost Island-Huston, Crystal Lake appears to be frozen in time except the waves did not break here.

 huge catfish


 frozen waves

SP Okamanpedan

Dolliver, 11/30/12, 50/105

This is a very small park. Behind the shelter is a lake which contains the Minnesota state line. If you are not willing to turn around the road that goes through the park will force you to cross the state line.

 The Minnesota state line is somewhere in this lake.

SP Fort Defiance

Fort Defiance, 11/30/12, 49/105

Various prats of this park were closed. Overall it was a big wooded area with steep hills and lots of deer.