Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Swiftian Proposal

Following the example of all those go-getter lawmakers who have taken to practicing medicine, I thought that I would take my turn at writing law. So at risk of reductio ad absurdum I present my proposed legislation to protect the pre-concieved.

Given that human life is sacred and must be protected from those who would do it harm, we hereby declare that the waste of pretential life a crime. For the purposes of this document, pretential life is defined as a human gamete; the term is a hybrid of the phrases: pre-life and potenital life. Being that a gamete's purpose for existence is to combine with another gamete to form a human; the careless waste of pretential life thus far in history is a genocide of unmatched proportions. It is based upon the principle of the protection of the pre-concieved that this law has been written.
Fertility testing is mandatory for all. The infertile are only allowed to have sex with each other so as not to waste another person's potential contributions to the human race. Sexual activity not directly affecting gametes is excepted from this regulation. Those ruled to be infertile must prove that they took no actions that may have caused the infertility or else be held liable for the destruction of pretential life. Menopausal women are to be included in the category of infertile.

No contraception of any kind is allowed to be manufactured, sold, or used. While condoms have the ability to prevent disease, the lose of the pretential life of many is of greater importance than an individual's health status. It is also recognized that other forms of contraception have other health effects, but as with condoms the risk to the individual is irrelevant in comparison with the risk to the pretential life.

From this point forward in this document, the generalized terms of: men & women will refer only to those who have not been ruled infertile.

Men are not allowed to “spill seed” in any non-reproductive manner. Men are not allowed to use any substance which may negatively affect their fertility or sperm count; it is recommended that men talk to their doctors as certain prescriptions may violate this provision.

Women are required to have appropriate sex with a man during their peak times for conception; failure to do so will result in criminal charges. Unless a woman has proven that she is pregnant, she is not allowed to refuse the request for sex from a man. Being that activities such as: masturbation and sex with other women do not affect pretential life in a woman, these activities are allowed; however these privileges do not exempt women from their obligations as defined elsewhere in this document. Followed the precedent that possession of condoms is evidence for prostitution,                                     http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/ny-advocates-condoms-prostitute-cases-16158623#.T5_RqdWAq0s  the possession of “feminine products” is to be considered evidence of intention to destroy pretential life. Women are not allowed to use any substance which may negatively affect their fertility or ability to carry pretential life to term; it is recommended that women talk to their doctors as certain prescriptions may violate this provision. States are allowed to set their own pre-menarchy regulations.

While this law does not specifically prohibit appropriate sexual activity while a woman is less likely to conceive, local regulations may do so; it is recommended that a person consult with a lawyer given the potentially serious consequences to pretential life.

 How sad is it that I am anxious about post this purely satirical legislation? I think I would owe it to society to kick my own ass if this gives certain politicians ideas for their misogynistic policies.

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