Tuesday, September 18, 2012

SP Echo Valley

West Union, 9/7/12, 35/105

A tiny park with a campground and creek. It started raining and it didn't seem like I would miss much by leaving. 33% done!


SP Volga River

Fayette, 9/7/12, 34/105

It was hard to find a place to park here. So I did not get to explore the trails that there were signs for. There is a big lake. I believe the state is growing corn in this park.



SP Pikes Peak

Clayton, 9/7/12, 33/105

The most noticable thing about this park is the view of the Mississippi. You probably can see Wisconsin and maybe Illinois from the overlook. I could not get a good picture of the overlook, but it is shaped like a giant arrow facing the river. There was a decent walk through the park, but the first part of it is on a wooden bridge. The bridge takes you past some waterfalls and into the forest. They had a hut staffed by volunteers where they sell souvenirs and candy/pop.

 The view

 Wooden trail

 big bug

SP Siewers Spring/Ice Cave

Decorah Township, 9/7/12, 32/105

I'm kind of cheating on this one. The GPS recognized “Siewers Spring State Park”, but took me to a flat space surrounded by rock faces. I drove a bit further and found a “state trout hatchery”. I had looked up my planned route in the morning before I left and it suggested the Ice Cave. The sign for the ice cave said it was part of the “Iowa State Preserves System” and that's good enough for me. The cave had no ice, but it had been very hot for the last few months so I am not surprised. Many sections were closed off. After exiting the cave, I tried to hike around a ledge, but did not get to far on a steep hill with loose rocks.

State Trout Hatchery
These rock faces are Siewer's Spring State Park according to the GPS.

Ice Cave

The ledge